Scroll down for Twitter feed.
This site has been dormant for years while I got some other things done! Now resuming - We try to cover everything that's entertainment at home, which is a very broad range!
I make regular recommendations of albums - mainly jazz and classical - and review live shows I've been to.
Some time back I looked at what shape your local high end hifi retailer might take as the various forces reshape the retail world. Online sales continue to grow, but will not entirely replace the store, which must become a destination of sorts
You can find this and other articles, such as "Made In Japan?" here in the articles section.
This is a ground-breaking new section of the site, where we have a very experienced speaker designer tell you a whole lot of home truths about the trade-offs, misapprehensions and commercial expediencies often involved in speaker design.
Noted speaker designer Ralph Waters (who founded Richter Acoustics and Subsonic) has kindly agreed to do a series for us on what makes them sound good bad, or indifferent. You'll find his hard-hitting expose on our dedicated page for his guest appearances, which we'll call Speakers' Corner.
Parts 1 - 8 are all up. Scroll down for the most recent chapters, but if you're new to this section, just start at the top.
UPDATE: New page on SUBWOOFERS has started here.
It started with just one zone, now there are six. Where will it end, and what gives it this strange power? Part Two is on the Retro Gear page, where I describe a frankensteinian experiment splicing Sonos into a Grundig valve radiogram.
We now take these things for granted, but if you're interested in how the technology developed, there's a Brief History at this page from Ars Technica.
Every gadget and widget is being connected to the net
Not by any means comprehensive, and purely personal, but I've recounted the movies I've liked over many years, mainly by decade!
We pick the stories of interest and give links at NEWS PAGE.
I'm into the odd bit of retro gear, and have started a page for it (updated again 30/12/2012, with more pics) here. Feel free to email me about what gear you enjoy or would like to get for yourself.
Our Links Page can get you there quickly!
Have you wondered how those glowing lamps do the magic they do? Charl Du Plessis explains it on this page.
It's many years since I wrote The Future of Retailing. In it I said that the distance between the manufacturer and the consumer would continue to shrink.
"This trend is going to grow as people gain confidence in their ability to assess and to make purchasing decisions without visiting a retailer."
The growth of boutique "own brand" stores and manufacturers selling direct to the public online continues. I also chanced my arm in 2005 and said that "By 2015, I expect a large percentage of retail to be online transactions." We'll have to wait a bit yet, but the trend is underway and will accelerate.
I've not been writing enough articles over the past few years but if you're interested, there are several oldies on the site at Articles which you might find still have something to say. A few new ones as well. You can also find my 2007 article about Records To Die For on the Star AV site.
My most recent articles are at Stereonet under their Features heading. One on Direct Drive turntables, and another about the retro format Minidisc.
It's always good to get emails from people who've enjoyed the site, have corrections, or any ideas.
Geoff Forgie
gforgie AT homeentertainment DOT com DOT au